(display: "main"){(set: $Kills to 0)}
Welcome to Fight a Monster 2: The Sequel.
[Create a [[new character|chooseRace]]]Choose your race: [[Human]], [[Elf]] or [[Dwarf]].{(set: $PC to (datamap: "race", "human", "raceAdj", "human"))}
You are an athletic human, a jack of all trades.
(display: "chooseClass"){(set: $PC to (datamap: "race", "elf", "raceAdj", "elven"))}
You are a slender elf, finesse is kinda your thing.
(display: "chooseClass"){(set: $PC to (datamap: "race", "dwarf", "raceAdj", "dwarven"))}
You are a stout dwarf, tough as a rock.
(display: "chooseClass")Choose your class: [[fighter]], [[barbarian]] or [[rogue]].(set: $PC's class to "fighter", $PC's weapon to "sword", $PC's armor to "platemail", $PC's AC to 14)
You are a sturdy (print: $PC's "raceAdj") fighter.
(display: "chooseGear")(set: $PC's class to "barbarian", $PC's weapon to "club", $PC's armor to "animal furs", $PC's AC to 12)
You are a raging (print: $PC's "raceAdj") barbarian.
(display: "chooseGear")(set: $PC's class to "rogue", $PC's weapon to "dagger", $PC's armor to "leather armor", $PC's AC to 11)
You are a sneaky (print: $PC's "raceAdj") rogue.
(display: "chooseGear")<!--
Generating your attributes...
(set: $PC's dex to (random: 10,14), $PC's con to (random: 10,14), $PC's str to (random: 10,14))
Your dexterity is (print: $PC's "dex"). (if: $PC's race is "elf")[(set: $PC's dex to it + 2) Adding a +2 racial modifier for a total of (print: $PC's "dex").] (else-if: $PC's race is "human")[(set: $PC's dex to it + 1) Adding a +1 racial modifier for a total of (print: $PC's "dex").]
Your constitution is (print: $PC's "con").(if: $PC's race is "dwarf")[(set: $PC's con to it + 2) Adding a +2 racial modifier for a total of (print: $PC's "con").]
Your strength is (print: $PC's "str").(if: $PC's race is "human")[(set: $PC's str to it + 1) Adding a +1 racial modifier for a total of (print: $PC's "str").
-->Being a (print: $PC's "class"), you carry a (print: $PC's "weapon") and wear (print: $PC's "armor").
Before you set out on your adventure, you have the means to acquire one more piece of gear: [[a potion of healing|potion]], a [[flash bomb|bomb]] or a [[shield]].(set: $PC's gear to "potion of healing")
(display: "recap")(set: $PC's gear to "flash bomb")
(display: "recap")(set: $PC's gear to "shield")
(display: "recap")You set out for adventure, making your way through the (either: "dense forest","open plains","cold steppe","humid jungle","tall mountains","long-forgotten ruins","hot desert","rolling hills","ancient burial-grounds","barren savanna","treacherous marsh","moist swamp"). It doesn't take long until you hear someone approaching.
(display: "attack")
(if: $PC's gear is "potion of healing")[(link: "Drink potion of healing")[(if: $PC's HP is $PC's maxHP)[You do not need healing.] (else:)[(set: $PC's HP to $PC's maxHP, $PC's gear to "none")You quickly drink the potion and your wounds disappear. You now have (print: $PC's HP) HP.]
] ]
(set: $monster to (datamap: "name", (either: "Goblin","Orc","Kobold","Gnoll","Imp","Ogre")))
(set: $monster's weapon to (either: "sword","club","dagger","axe","spear","mace"))
(set: $monster's HP to (random: 10,18))
(set: $monster's AC to (random: 7,11))
(set: $monster's maxAC to $monster's AC)
(set: $monster's damageBonus to (random: 0,1))
(set: $monster's blind to 0)
Before you stands a (either: "hostile","menacing","dirty","dangerous") (print: $monster's name) (either: "swinging","holding","wielding") their (either: "nasty","corroded","filthy","jagged") (print: $monster's weapon).
[[Fight the (print: $monster's name)|fight]]{
(if: $PC's race is "dwarf")[(set: $PC's HP to (random: 14,18) + 2)(set: $PC's maxHP to $PC's HP)]
(else:)[(set: $PC's HP to (random: 14,18))(set: $PC's maxHP to $PC's HP)]
(if: $PC's race is "elf")[(set: $PC's AC to it + 2)]
(else-if: $PC's race is "human")[(set: $PC's AC to it + 1)]
(if: $PC's race is "human")[(set: $PC's damageBonus to 1)]
(else:)[(set: $PC's damageBonus to 0)]
Let's recap: You are a (print: $PC's raceAdj) (print: $PC's class) wearing (print: $PC's armor), you wield a (print: $PC's weapon) and carry a (print: $PC's gear) to back it up.
(if: $PC's race is "dwarf")[Let's say you have (print: $PC's HP) hit-points. That includes +2 HP because you're a (print: $PC's race).]
(else:)[Let's say you have (print: $PC's HP) hit-points.]
(if: $PC's race is "elf")[Your (print: $PC's armor) combined with a +2 bonus because you're a dextrous (print: $PC's race) gives you an armor class of (print: $PC's AC).]
(else-if: $PC's race is "human")[Your (print: $PC's armor) combined with a +1 bonus because you're a fairly nimble (print: $PC's race) gives you an armor class of (print: $PC's AC).]
(else:)[Your (print: $PC's armor) gives you an armor class of (print: $PC's AC).]
(if: $PC's race is "human")[You also have a damage bonus of (print: $PC's damageBonus) because you're a (print: $PC's race).]
(else:)[You do not (yet) have a damage bonus.]
Time for [[adventure]]!{
(set: $fightPCAttack to (random: 1,20))
(if: $PC's weapon is "dagger")[ (set: $fightPCDamage to (random: 1,4))]
(else-if: $PC's weapon is "club")[(set: $fightPCDamage to (random: 1,6))]
(else-if: $PC's weapon is "sword")[(set: $fightPCDamage to (random: 1,8))]
(set: $fightMonsterAttack to (random: 1,20))
(set: $fightMonsterDamage to (random: 1,6))
You have (print: $PC's HP) HP, an AC of (print: $PC's AC) (unless: $PC's gear is "none")[and are carrying a (print: $PC's gear)].
The (print: $monster's name) has (print: $monster's HP) HP and an AC of (print: $monster's AC).
(unless: $monster's blind is 0)[The (print: $monster's name) is blinded by the flash bomb, still attacking you wildly, but much easier to hit now.]
(if: $fightPCAttack is > $monster's AC)[(set: $monster's HP to it - $fightPCDamage + $PC's damageBonus)You roll a $fightPCAttack and strike the (print: $monster's name) with your (print: $PC's weapon) and do $fightPCDamage (if: $PC's damageBonus is > 0)[+ (print: $PC's damageBonus)] damage. Their HP is now (print: $monster's HP).]
(else:)[You roll a $fightPCAttack, thrusting your (print: $PC's weapon) at the (print: $monster's name) but miss.]
(unless: $monster's blind is 0)[(set: $monster's blind to it - 1)]
(if: $monster's HP is <= 0)[The (print: $monster's name)'s lifeless corpse crumples to the ground. You are victorious!
{You rummage around the corpse.
(set: $loot to (random: 1,6))
(if: $loot is 4)[
You find a potion of healing.
(unless: $PC's gear is "none")[(link: "Pick it up and replace your (print: $PC's gear).")[(set: $PC's gear to "potion of healing")You pick up the (print: $PC's gear).] ]
(else:)[(link: "Pick it up.")[(set: $PC's gear to "potion of healing")You pick up the (print: $PC's gear).] ]]
(else-if: $loot is 5)[
You find a flash bomb.
(unless: $PC's gear is "none")[(link: "Pick it up and replace your (print: $PC's gear).")[(set: $PC's gear to "flash bomb")You pick up the (print: $PC's gear).] ]
(else:)[(link: "Pick it up.")[(set: $PC's gear to "flash bomb")You pick up the (print: $PC's gear).] ]]
(else-if: $loot is 6)[
You find a shield.
(unless: $PC's gear is "none")[(link: "Pick it up and replace your (print: $PC's gear).")[(set: $PC's gear to "shield")You pick up the (print: $PC's gear).] ]
(else:)[(link: "Pick it up.")[(set: $PC's gear to "shield")You pick up the (print: $PC's gear).] ] ]
(else:)[You find nothing of interest.]}
(set: $Kills to it + 1)So far you have killed $Kills monsters.
[[Continue your adventure|adventure]] ]
(if: $fightMonsterAttack is > $PC's AC)[
(if: $PC's gear is "shield")[(set: $PC's HP to it - $fightMonsterDamage - 1)The (print: $monster's name) rolls a (print: $fightMonsterAttack) and strikes back with their (print: $monster's weapon), dealing $fightMonsterDamage damage, but your shield absorbs 1 damage. (set: $shieldBreak to (random: 1,2))(if: $shieldBreak is 2)[(set: $PC's gear to "none")Unfortunately the blow breaks your shield and you toss it aside.] Your HP is now (print: $PC's HP).]
(else:)[(set: $PC's HP to it - $fightMonsterDamage)The (print: $monster's name) rolls a (print: $fightMonsterAttack) and strikes back with their (print: $monster's weapon), dealing $fightMonsterDamage damage. Your HP is now (print: $PC's HP).] ]
(else:)[The (print: $monster's name) rolls a (print: $fightMonsterAttack), thrusting their (print: $PC's weapon) at you but misses.]
(if: $PC's HP is <= 0)[You are dead. Game over. In your life you killed $Kills monsters. Perhaps this might comfort your grieving (either: "mother","father","wife","children") back at the farm. (They really could have used your help this harvest season, you know.)
[[Start again|main]] ]
(else:)[ [[Attack again!|fight]]
(if: $PC's gear is "potion of healing")[(link: "Drink potion of healing")[(if: $PC's HP is $PC's maxHP)[You do not need healing.] (else:)[(set: $PC's HP to $PC's maxHP, $PC's gear to "none")You quickly drink the potion and your wounds disappear. You now have (print: $PC's HP) HP.]
] ]
(if: $PC's gear is "flash bomb")[(link: "Throw the flash bomb")[(set: $monster's AC to 0, $monster's blind to 4, $PC's gear to "none")You throw the flash bomb at the (print: $monster's name), temporarily blinding them with a bright flare of (either: "yellow","orange","red","purple","blue","green") light.]
] ] ]
(set: $PC to (datamap: "race", "human", "raceAdj", "human"))
(set: $PC's class to "fighter", $PC's weapon to "sword", $PC's armor to "platemail")
(set: $PC's gear to "shield")
(set: $PC's AC to 14)
(display: "recap")