<div class='header'>
<span class="timer">{(display:"timer")}</span>
<span class="battery"><!--🔇-->🌐 📶 99% 🔋</span>
<div class='topNav'><img class="pfp" src="img/pfp.png">
<span class="nameThem">Phill C.</span>
<span class="statusThem"><span class="dot"></span> Online</span>
}<span class='chat'>{
(if: $startPosition is 0)[(display:"1p0_dialogue")]
(else-if: $startPosition is 1)[(display:"2p0_dialogue")]
(else-if: $startPosition is 2)[(display:"3p0_dialogue")]
(else-if: $startPosition is 3)[(display:"4p0_dialogue")]
(else-if: $startPosition is 4)[(display:"5p0_dialogue")]
(else-if: $startPosition is 5)[(display:"6p0_dialogue")]
(else-if: $startPosition is 6)[(display:"7p0_dialogue")]
(else-if: $startPosition is 7)[(display:"8p0_dialogue")]
(else:)[error: invalid startPosition - value is $startPosition]
}</span><!--<span class="debug">[[debug: return main|main]]</span>-->{(set: $counter to 0)(set: $loopAmount to it + 1)
06:00<small>:0(if: $counter is 9)[0]|amount>[$counter]</small>
(live: 1s)[
(set: $counter to it + 1)
(if: $counter is 7)[<audio src="sfx/LD51_beep_1.mp3" autoplay>]
(if: $counter is 8)[<audio src="sfx/LD51_beep_2.mp3" autoplay>]
(if: $counter is 9)[<audio src="sfx/LD51_beep_3.mp3" autoplay>]
(if: $counter is 10)[(go-to: "main")]
(replace: ?amount)[$counter]
]}(display: "title")
(display: "startVar")<span class='dialogueThem'>good morning bro</span>
|choice1p0>[<span class='dialogueChoice'>{
(if: $loopAmount < 3)[(link: "hey")[
(replace: ?choice1p0)[<span class='dialogueYou'>Hey, what's up?</span>
(display: "1p1_whatsup")]
(link: "don't bother me")[
(replace: ?choice1p0)[<span class='dialogueYou'>Don't bother me, it's too early.</span>
(display: "1p1_dontbother")]
(if: $loopAmount > 1)[(link: "repeating yourself")[
(replace: ?choice1p0)[<span class='dialogueYou'>Repeating yourself much?</span>
(display: "1p1_repeating")]
(if: $loopAmount > 2)[(link: "what the hell")[
(replace: ?choice1p0)[<span class='dialogueYou'>What the hell is going on?!</span>
(display: "1p1_repeating")]
<span class='dialogueThem'>i'm not sure... i'm confused</span>
|choice1p1a>[<span class='dialogueChoice'>{
(link: "it's early")[
(replace: ?choice1p1a)[<span class='dialogueYou'>It's like 6:00 in the morning, of course you're confused.</span>
(display: "1p2_why")]
(link: "why?")[
(replace: ?choice1p1a)[<span class='dialogueYou'>Why is that?</span>
(display: "1p2_why")]
<span class='dialogueThem'>dang, grumpy much?</span>
|choice1p1b>[<span class='dialogueChoice'>{
(link: "it's early")[
(replace: ?choice1p1b)[<span class='dialogueYou'>It's like 6:00 in the morning, of course I'm grumpy. What's up?</span>
(display: "1p2_why")]
(link: "sorry")[
(replace: ?choice1p1b)[<span class='dialogueYou'>Sorry, I just woke up. What's up?</span>
(display: "1p2_why")]
<!--<span class='dialogueYou'>Hey, what's up?</span>-->
line-height: 1.1;
<span class='dialogueThem'>end of dialogue test, resetting startPosition to 0.</span>(set: $startPosition to 0)<div class='titleWrapper'>{<div class='titleHeader'>
<span class="timer">SecuLab Telecom</span>
<span class="battery"> 100% 🔋</span>
<div class='titleMain'><center>
<!--<span class="titleTitle">CURSING RECURSION</span>--><img src="img/logo.png">
<span class="titleBig">05:59</span>
<span class="titleSmall">(current-date:)</span>
<span class="titleSmall">By Flaterectomy for Ludum Dare 51</span>
<div class="play">[[PLAY|main]]</div>
<div class="menuLink">[[credits]]</div>
<center><span class="credits">
Code, design, story and audio
Testing, feedback</h1>
<h1>Additional Credits</h1>
Profile Picture by Pixabay (modified)
<div class="menuLink">[[main menu|title]]</div></center><span class='dialogueThem'>i feel weird and don't know what is happening</span>
|choice1p2>[<span class='dialogueChoice'>{
(link: "sorry about that")[
(replace: ?choice1p2)[<span class='dialogueYou'>Sorry about that</span>
(display: "1p3_thanks")]
(link: "elaborate")[
(replace: ?choice1p2)[<span class='dialogueYou'>Elaborate, what's going on?</span>
(display: "1p3_elaborate")]
<div class='header'>
<span class="timer">06:01</span>
<span class="battery"><!--🔇-->🌐 📶 98% 🔋</span>
}<span class="titleSmall">Game over. Good or bad?
You experienced $loopAmount time loops.</span>
<span class='dialogueThem'>thanks</span>
|choice1p3a>[<span class='dialogueChoice'>{
(link: "what is this about?")[
(replace: ?choice1p3a)[<span class='dialogueYou'>You wanna tell me what this is about?</span>
(display: "1p3_elaborate")]
(link: "okay")[
(replace: ?choice1p3a)[<span class='dialogueYou'>Okay...</span>
(display: "x_yeah")]
<span class='dialogueThem'>something weird is happening, what's going on?</span>
|choice1p3b>[<span class='dialogueChoice'>{
(link: "that was my question")[
(replace: ?choice1p3b)[<span class='dialogueYou'>I just asked you that same question.</span>
(display: "x_yeah")]
(link: "are you drunk?")[
(replace: ?choice1p3b)[<span class='dialogueYou'>Are you drunk?</span>
(display: "x_maybe")]
}</span>]Dead end
<span class='dialogueThem'>yeah...</span>
(display: "emojis")
<span class='dialogueThem'>maybe...</span>
(display: "emojis")
<span class='dialogueThem'>what do you mean?</span>
|choice1p1>[<span class='dialogueChoice'>{
(link: "you just said that")[
(replace: ?choice1p1)[<span class='dialogueYou'>You just said that, you keep repeating yourself. Are you okay?</span>
(display: "1p2_weird")]
(link: "my chat history")[
(replace: ?choice1p1)[<span class='dialogueYou'>Weird, my chat history is gone.</span>
(display: "1p2_weird")]
}</span>]<span class='dialogueThem'>everything is weird and i think the alarms are going off, it’s very loud</span>
|choice1p2>[<span class='dialogueChoice'>{
(link: "what alarms?")[
(replace: ?choice1p2)[<span class='dialogueYou'>What alarms?</span>
(display: "1p3_labalarm")]
(link: "in the lab?")[
(replace: ?choice1p2)[<span class='dialogueYou'>Are you in the lab?</span>
(display: "1p3_yeahlabalarm")]
}</span>]<span class='dialogueThem'>the lab’s alarms are ringing, red light flashing</span>
|choice1p3a>[<span class='dialogueChoice'>{
(link: "i'm coming over!")[
(replace: ?choice1p3a)[<span class='dialogueYou'>I'm coming over!</span>
(display: "1p4_silence")]
(link: "get out!")[
(replace: ?choice1p3a)[<span class='dialogueYou'>Get out of there!</span>
(display: "1p4_silence")]
}</span>]<span class='dialogueThem'>good morning bro</span>
|choice2p0>[<span class='dialogueChoice'>{
(link: "oh no")[
(replace: ?choice2p0)[<span class='dialogueYou'>Oh no.. are the alarms still going off?</span>
(display: "2p1_alarms")]
(link: "time loop")[
(replace: ?choice2p0)[<span class='dialogueYou'>Dammit Phill, (if: $knowLoop is 0)[I think we're](else:)[we are 100% stuck] in a time loop.</span>(set: $knowLoop to 1)
(display: "2p1_timeloop")]
}</span>]<span class='dialogueThem'>yeah and the lab’s alarms are ringing, red light flashing</span>
|choice1p3b>[<span class='dialogueChoice'>{
(link: "i'm coming over!")[
(replace: ?choice1p3b)[<span class='dialogueYou'>I'm coming over!</span>
(display: "1p4_silence")]
(link: "get out!")[
(replace: ?choice1p3b)[<span class='dialogueYou'>Get out of there!</span>
(display: "1p4_silence")]
(set: $startPosition to 1)}</span>]<span class='dialogueTyping'>Phill C. is typing...</span>CHAPTER 2{<span class='dialogueTyping'>Phill C. is typing...</span>
(set: $startPosition to 1)}<span class='dialogueThem'>what? why is that?</span>
|choice2p1b>[<span class='dialogueChoice'>{
(link: "same conversation")[
(replace: ?choice2p1b)[<span class='dialogueYou'>We’ve restarted this same conversation like $loopAmount times</span>
(display: "2p2_remember")]
(link: "trust me")[
(replace: ?choice2p1b)[<span class='dialogueYou'>Just trust me on this one.</span>
(display: "2p2_trust")]
}</span>]<span class='dialogueThem'>uh yeah actually they are, what’s going on?</span>
|choice2p1a>[<span class='dialogueChoice'>{
(link: "time loop")[
(replace: ?choice2p1a)[<span class='dialogueYou'>Dammit Phill, (if: $knowLoop is 0)[I think we're](else:)[we are 100% stuck] in a time loop.</span>(set: $knowLoop to 1)
(display: "2p1_timeloop")]
(link: "big trouble")[
(replace: ?choice2p1a)[<span class='dialogueYou'>We're in big trouble man, we have to fix this.</span>
(display: "2p1_timeloop")]
}</span>]<span class='dialogueThem'>i don’t remember that</span>
|choice2p2a>[<span class='dialogueChoice'>{
(link: "i remember")[
(replace: ?choice2p2a)[<span class='dialogueYou'>Looks like only I remember.</span>
(display: "2p2_trust")]
(link: "trust me")[
(replace: ?choice2p2a)[<span class='dialogueYou'>Just trust me on this one.</span>
(display: "2p2_trust")]
}</span>]<span class='dialogueThem'>okay what do we do?</span>
|choice2p2b>[<span class='dialogueChoice'>{
(link: "explain")[
(replace: ?choice2p2b)[<span class='dialogueYou'>I can't keep having to explain myself every 10 seconds.</span>
(display: "2p3_comeover")]
(link: "what do you see?")[
(replace: ?choice2p2b)[<span class='dialogueYou'>What do you see around you?</span>
(display: "2p3_whatdoyousee")]
}</span>]<span class='dialogueThem'>aside from the alarm lights, some the lab equipment is up and running</span>
|choice2p3b>[<span class='dialogueChoice'>{
(link: "which devices")[
(replace: ?choice2p3b)[<span class='dialogueYou'>Which devices are turned on?</span>
(display: "2p4_illcheck")]
}</span>]<span class='dialogueThem'>can you come over?</span>
|choice2p3a>[<span class='dialogueChoice'>{
(link: "too far")[
(replace: ?choice2p3a)[<span class='dialogueYou'>It's too far, this loop is like 10 seconds, the lab is a 5 minute walk.</span>
(display: "2p4_whatdoido")]
(link: "no")[
(replace: ?choice2p3a)[<span class='dialogueYou'>No time, you have to fix this.</span>
(display: "2p4_whatdoido")]
}</span>]<span class='dialogueThem'>so what do i do?</span>
|choice2p4a>[<span class='dialogueChoice'>{
(link: "what do you see?")[
(replace: ?choice2p4a)[<span class='dialogueYou'>What do you see around you?</span>
(display: "2p3_whatdoyousee")]
}</span>]<span class='dialogueThem'>hold on i'll check</span>
|choice2p4b>[<span class='dialogueChoice'>{
(link: "hurry")[
(replace: ?choice2p4b)[<span class='dialogueYou'>Come on, hurry up, we don't have much time.</span>
(display: "2p5_silence")]
}</span>]{<span class='dialogueTyping'>Phill C. is typing...</span>
(set: $startPosition to 2)}CHAPTER 3<span class='dialogueThem'>good morning bro</span>
|choice3p0>[<span class='dialogueChoice'>{
(link: "end me now")[
(replace: ?choice3p0)[<span class='dialogueYou'>Ugh, end me now.</span>
(display: "3p1_murder")]
(link: "this isn’t working")[
(replace: ?choice3p0)[<span class='dialogueYou'>This isn’t working.</span>
(display: "3p1_notworking")]
}</span>]<span class='dialogueThem'>what are you talking about?</span>
|choice3p1b>[<span class='dialogueChoice'>{
(link: "time loop")[
(replace: ?choice3p1b)[<span class='dialogueYou'>Phill, we’re stuck in a 10 second time loop. Something in the lab is causing this.</span>
(display: "3p2_timeloop")]
(link: "i don't know")[
(replace: ?choice3p1b)[<span class='dialogueYou'>I don't even know anymore.</span>
(display: "3p2_coffee")]
}</span>]<span class='dialogueThem'>little early for murder bro</span>
|choice3p1a>[<span class='dialogueChoice'>{
(link: "time loop")[
(replace: ?choice3p1a)[<span class='dialogueYou'>Phill, we’re stuck in a 10 second timeloop. Something in the lab is causing this.</span>
(display: "3p2_timeloop")]
<span class='dialogueThem'>oh dang, for real?</span>
|choice3p2a>[<span class='dialogueChoice'>{
(link: "alarms going off")[
(replace: ?choice3p2a)[<span class='dialogueYou'>The alarms are going off, are they not?</span>
(display: "3p3_outofit")]
(link: "yes for real")[
(replace: ?choice3p2a)[<span class='dialogueYou'>Yes for real. And restarting this conversation each time wastes precious seconds.</span>
(display: "3p3_emergencyresponse")]
}</span>]<span class='dialogueThem'>sounds like someone needs a cup of coffee</span>
|choice3p2b>[<span class='dialogueChoice'>{
(link: "you know it")[
(replace: ?choice3p2b)[<span class='dialogueYou'>You know it. I wish there was time.</span>
(display: "3p3_busymorning")]
(link: "bring me some")[
(replace: ?choice3p2b)[<span class='dialogueYou'>Will you bring me some?</span>
(display: "3p3_bringcoffee")]
}</span>]<span class='dialogueThem'>yeah sure, be right there</span>
(display: "emojis")<span class='dialogueThem'>no time for coffee? sounds like a busy morning</span>
|choice3p3a>[<span class='dialogueChoice'>{
(link: "Next loop please")[
(replace: ?choice3p3a)[<span class='dialogueYou'>Let's just start the next loop, please.</span>
(display: "x_silence")]
}</span>]<span class='dialogueThem'>wait, remember that emergency response workshop we did two years ago?
|choice3p3d>[<span class='dialogueChoice'>{
(link: "is this the best time?")[
(replace: ?choice3p3d)[<span class='dialogueYou'>Is this really the best time to reminisce? </span>
(display: "3p4_youretalking")]
(link: "i do")[
(replace: ?choice3p3d)[<span class='dialogueYou'>I do, what about it?</span>
(display: "3p4_safeword")]
}</span>]<span class='dialogueThem'>oh yeah, they are! i’m sorry i'm feeling a bit out of it
|choice3p3c>[<span class='dialogueChoice'>{
(link: "back on track")[
(replace: ?choice3p3c)[<span class='dialogueYou'>Let's get back on track, we need to fix this.</span>
(display: "3p4_youweresaying")]
(link: "don't blame you")[
(replace: ?choice3p3c)[<span class='dialogueYou'>I don't blame you, I am starting to lose my mind as well.</span>
(display: "3p2_coffee")]
}</span>]<span class='dialogueThem'>my emergency safe word was CINNAMON
|choice3p4b>[<span class='dialogueChoice'>{
(link: "are you sure?")[
(replace: ?choice3p4b)[<span class='dialogueYou'>Are you sure that's not a private safe word?</span>(set: $startPosition to 3)
(display: "3p5_privatesafeword")]
(link: "got it")[
(replace: ?choice3p4b)[<span class='dialogueYou'>Cinnamon, got it.</span>
(display: "x_silence")]
](set: $startPosition to 3)
<span class='dialogueThem'>You’re the one talking about time loops</span>
|choice3p4a>[<span class='dialogueChoice'>{
(link: "fair enough")[
(replace: ?choice3p4a)[<span class='dialogueYou'>Fair enough. Next loop.</span>
(display: "x_silence")]
(link: "so what about it?")[
(replace: ?choice3p4a)[<span class='dialogueYou'>So what about the emergency response workshop?</span>
(display: "3p4_safeword")]
}</span>]<span class='dialogueThem'>i am at least //half// sure
(display: "emojis")<span class='dialogueThem'>you were saying?
|choice3p4c>[<span class='dialogueChoice'>{
(link: "emergency")[
(replace: ?choice3p4c)[<span class='dialogueYou'>10 second time loop, losing precious seconds explaining it to you each loop.</span>
(display: "3p3_emergencyresponse")]
}</span>]CHAPTER 4<span class='dialogueThem'>good morning bro</span>
|choice4p0>[<span class='dialogueChoice'>{
(link: "cinnamon!")[
(replace: ?choice4p0)[<span class='dialogueYou'>Cinnamon!</span>
(display: "4p1_cinnamon")]
(link: "nutmeg!")[
(replace: ?choice4p0)[<span class='dialogueYou'>Nutmeg!</span>
(display: "4p1_nutmeg")]
<span class='dialogueThem'>are you sleep-texting me right now?</span>
|choice4p1b>[<span class='dialogueChoice'>{
(link: "dammit")[
(replace: ?choice4p1b)[<span class='dialogueYou'>Dammit, you and your spices. What's your emergency safeword again?</span>
(display: "4p2_safeword")]
(link: "honestly...")[
(replace: ?choice4p1b)[<span class='dialogueYou'>Honestly... I feel like I am, this is a nightmare.</span>
(display: "4p2_nightmare")]
<span class='dialogueThem'>oh shit are you serious? what's up?</span>
|choice4p1a>[<span class='dialogueChoice'>{
(link: "time loop")[
(replace: ?choice4p1a)[<span class='dialogueYou'>10 second time loop. What devices are running?</span>
(display: "4p2_holdon")]
<span class='dialogueThem'>shit, let me check</span>
|choice4p2a>[<span class='dialogueChoice'>{
(link: "hurry")[
(replace: ?choice4p2a)[<span class='dialogueYou'>Please hurry, we don't have much time.</span>
(display: "4p3_devices")]
<span class='dialogueThem'>but you're awake now! a nutmeg nightmare no more</span>
|choice4p2c>[<span class='dialogueChoice'>{
(link: "you know what")[
(replace: ?choice4p2c)[<span class='dialogueYou'>You know what? Next loop please.</span>
(display: "x_okay")]
<span class='dialogueThem'>what, from the workshop two years ago? CINNAMON</span>
|choice4p2b>[<span class='dialogueChoice'>{
(link: "cinnamon!")[
(replace: ?choice4p2b)[<span class='dialogueYou'>Cinnamon!</span>
(display: "4p3_safewordconfusion")]
(link: "thanks")[
(replace: ?choice4p2b)[<span class='dialogueYou'>Thanks, I'll try to remember for next time.</span>
(display: "4p3_nexttime")]
<span class='dialogueThem'>The GRAVITY WELL GENERATOR, the RECURSION SYNCHRONIZER and the TEMPORAL DISPLACER are all running.</span>
|choice4p3a>[<span class='dialogueChoice'>{
(link: "not unusual")[
(replace: ?choice4p3a)[<span class='dialogueYou'>Well that's not unusual.</span>
(display: "4p4_notunusual")]
(link: "sounds made-up")[
(replace: ?choice4p3a)[<span class='dialogueYou'>Those names sound made-up.</span>
(display: "4p4_names")]
](set: $startPosition to 4)
<span class='dialogueThem'>you figure something's broken?</span>
|choice4p4a>[<span class='dialogueChoice'>{
(link: "some of the settings")[
(replace: ?choice4p4a)[<span class='dialogueYou'>That or some of the settings are having an unforeseen effect on each other.</span>
(display: "4p5_tellme")]
(link: "i don't know")[
(replace: ?choice4p4a)[<span class='dialogueYou'>I Don't know,. we'll just need to troubleshoot this.</span>
(display: "4p5_tellme")]
<span class='dialogueThem'>dude //all// names are made-up</span>
|choice4p4b>[<span class='dialogueChoice'>{
(link: "got me there")[
(replace: ?choice4p4b)[<span class='dialogueYou'>You've got me there.</span>
(display: "4p5_cinnamon")]
<span class='dialogueThem'>get it together, there's an apparent emergency bro</span>
|choice4p4b>[<span class='dialogueChoice'>{
(link: "next loop")[
(replace: ?choice4p4b)[<span class='dialogueYou'>You're right, we'll get it next loop.</span>
(display: "x_silence")]
<span class='dialogueThem'>okay...</span>
(display: "emojis")
<span class='dialogueThem'>yes correct, CINNAMON</span>
|choice4p3b>[<span class='dialogueChoice'>{
(link: "no i mean")[
(replace: ?choice4p3b)[<span class='dialogueYou'>No, I mean... Cinnamon right now! We have an emergency!</span>
(display: "4p1_cinnamon")]
(link: "thanks")[
(replace: ?choice4p3b)[<span class='dialogueYou'>Thanks, I'll try to remember for next time.</span>
(display: "4p3_nexttime")]
<span class='dialogueThem'>okay...</span>
|choice4p3c>[<span class='dialogueChoice'>{
(link: "okay")[
(replace: ?choice4p3c)[<span class='dialogueYou'>Okay...</span>
(display: "x_okay")]
<span class='dialogueThem'>tell me what to do and i'll do it</span>
|choice4p5>[<span class='dialogueChoice'>{
(link: "all right")[
(replace: ?choice4p5)[<span class='dialogueYou'>All right, let me think about this.</span>
(display: "x_okay")]
}</span>]<span class='dialogueThem'>good morning bro</span>(set: $deviceChecked to 0)
|choice5p0>[<span class='dialogueChoice'>{
(link: "gravity well generator")[
(replace: ?choice5p0)[<span class='dialogueYou'>Cinnamon! Check and report the settings on the Gravity Well Generator!</span>
(display: "5p1_checkgenerator")]
(link: "temporal displacer")[
(replace: ?choice5p0)[<span class='dialogueYou'>Cinnamon! Check and report the settings on the Temporal Displacer!</span>
(display: "5p1_checkdisplacer")]
(link: "recursion synchronizer")[
(replace: ?choice5p0)[<span class='dialogueYou'>Cinnamon! Check and report the settings on the recursion Synchronizer!</span>
(display: "5p1_checksynchronizer")]
}</span>]CHAPTER 5<span class='dialogueThem'>(if: $deviceChecked is 0)[oh shit! all right, ]the GRAVITY WELL GENERATOR is set to $gravityWellGenerator, and the options are PULSE, CONSTANT and OFF</span>(set: $deviceChecked to 1)(set: $playerKnowsGenerator to 1)
|choice5p1a>[<span class='dialogueChoice'>{
(link: "temporal displacer")[
(replace: ?choice5p1a)[<span class='dialogueYou'>Now check and report the settings on the Temporal Displacer!</span>
(display: "5p1_checkdisplacer")]
(link: "recursion synchronizer")[
(replace: ?choice5p1a)[<span class='dialogueYou'>Now check and report the settings on the recursion Synchronizer!</span>
(display: "5p1_checksynchronizer")]
(if: $playerKnowsSynchronizer is 1 and $playerKnowsDisplacer is 1 and $playerKnowsGenerator is 1)[(set: $startPosition to 5)(link: "got it!")[
(replace: ?choice5p1c)[<span class='dialogueYou'>Got it!</span>
(display: "5p2_gotit")]
}</span>]<span class='dialogueThem'>(if: $deviceChecked is 0)[hot dang! okay, ]the TEMPORAL DISPLACER is set to $temporalDisplacer., and the options are BACK, NEUTRAL and FORWARD</span>(set: $deviceChecked to 1)(set: $playerKnowsDisplacer to 1)
|choice5p1b>[<span class='dialogueChoice'>{
(link: "gravity well generator")[
(replace: ?choice5p1b)[<span class='dialogueYou'>Now check and report the settings on the Gravity Well Generator!</span>
(display: "5p1_checkgenerator")]
(link: "recursion synchronizer")[
(replace: ?choice5p1b)[<span class='dialogueYou'>Now check and report the settings on the recursion Synchronizer!</span>
(display: "5p1_checksynchronizer")]
(if: $playerKnowsSynchronizer is 1 and $playerKnowsDisplacer is 1 and $playerKnowsGenerator is 1)[(set: $startPosition to 5)(link: "got it!")[
(replace: ?choice5p1c)[<span class='dialogueYou'>Got it!</span>
(display: "5p2_gotit")]
}</span>]<span class='dialogueThem'>(if: $deviceChecked is 0)[yikes! okay it seems ]the RECURSION SYNCHRONIZER is set to $recursionSynchronizer, and it can only be switched ON after which it will trigger and automatically switch back off</span>(set: $deviceChecked to 1)(set: $playerKnowsSynchronizer to 1)
|choice5p1c>[<span class='dialogueChoice'>{
(link: "gravity well generator")[
(replace: ?choice5p1c)[<span class='dialogueYou'>Now check and report the settings on the Gravity Well Generator!</span>
(display: "5p1_checkgenerator")]
(link: "temporal displacer")[
(replace: ?choice5p1c)[<span class='dialogueYou'>Now check and report the settings on the Temporal Displacer!</span>
(display: "5p1_checkdisplacer")]
(if: $playerKnowsSynchronizer is 1 and $playerKnowsDisplacer is 1 and $playerKnowsGenerator is 1)[(set: $startPosition to 5)(link: "got it!")[
(replace: ?choice5p1c)[<span class='dialogueYou'>Got it!</span>
(display: "5p2_gotit")]
(set: $gravityWellGenerator to "PULSE")
(set: $temporalDisplacer to "BACK")
(set: $recursionSynchronizer to "OFF")
}<span class='dialogueThem'>bro what's going on?</span>
|choice5p2>[<span class='dialogueChoice'>{
(link: "time loop")[
(replace: ?choice5p2)[<span class='dialogueYou'>We're stuck in a 10 second time loop. We need to figure out what settings to change on the devices to fix this.</span>
(display: "5p3_devices")]
(link: "no time")[
(replace: ?choice5p2)[<span class='dialogueYou'>No time, will tell you later.</span>
(display: "5p3_devices")]
}</span>]<span class='dialogueThem'>good morning bro</span>
|choice6p0>[<span class='dialogueChoice'>{
(link: "cinnamon!")[
(replace: ?choice6p0)[<span class='dialogueYou'>Cinnamon!</span>
(display: "6p1_cinnamon")]
}</span>]CHAPTER 6
<span class='dialogueThem'>oh shit, for real? what's up?</span>
|choice6p1>[<span class='dialogueChoice'>{
(link: "time loop")[
(replace: ?choice6p1)[<span class='dialogueYou'>10 second time loop. We have to change settings on the devices in the lab to fix it. I know their current settings.</span>
(display: "6p2_tellme")]
<span class='dialogueThem'>okay, tell me what to do</span>
|choice6p2>[<span class='dialogueChoice'>{
(link: "one more thing")[
(replace: ?choice6p2)[<span class='dialogueYou'>We //have// to complete this within one 10 second loop.</span>
(display: "6p3_gotcha")]
(link: "just destroy it")[
(replace: ?choice6p2)[<span class='dialogueYou'>Grab a fire extinguisher and just bash everything in. Destroy it all.</span>
(display: "6p3_what")]
<span class='dialogueThem'>what?! for real?!</span>
|choice6p3b>[<span class='dialogueChoice'>{
(link: "yes")[
(replace: ?choice6p3b)[<span class='dialogueYou'>Yeah, it's the only way.</span>
(display: "6p4_nah")]
(link: "no")[
(replace: ?choice6p3b)[<span class='dialogueYou'>No, wait. Bad idea. Let me think about this.</span>
(display: "x_okay")]
<span class='dialogueThem'>no bro, i trust you, but not like that</span>
|choice6p4>[<span class='dialogueChoice'>{
(link: "you're right")[
(replace: ?choice6p4)[<span class='dialogueYou'>You're right, destroying it isn't //science// enough.</span>
(display: "x_yeah")]
<span class='dialogueThem'>gotcha</span>
|choice6p3a>[<span class='dialogueChoice'>{
(link: "cross your fingers")[
(replace: ?choice6p3a)[<span class='dialogueYou'>Cross your fingers, I sure hope we'll get this right.</span>
(display: "6p4_ready")]
<span class='dialogueThem'>i'm ready, i hope you are too</span>
|choice6p3a>[<span class='dialogueChoice'>{
(link: "i hope so too")[
(replace: ?choice6p3a)[<span class='dialogueYou'>I hope so too, my friend.</span>
(display: "x_silence")]
](set: $startPosition to 6)
}</span>]CHAPTER 7<span class='dialogueThem'>good morning bro</span>(display: "startVar")
|choice7p0>[<span class='dialogueChoice'>{
(link: "cinnamon!")[
(replace: ?choice7p0)[<span class='dialogueYou'>Cinnamon! We have less than 10 seconds.</span>
(display: "7p1_generator")]
<span class='dialogueThem'>oh shit, for real? what's up?</span>
|choice7p1>[<span class='dialogueChoice'>{
(link: "switch gravity well generator OFF")[
(replace: ?choice7p1)[<span class='dialogueYou'>Switch the Gravity Well Generator from $gravityWellGenerator to OFF.</span>(set: $gravityWellGenerator to "OFF")
(display: "7p2_displacer")]
(link: "switch gravity well generator to CONSTANT")[
(replace: ?choice7p1)[<span class='dialogueYou'>Switch the Gravity Well Generator from $gravityWellGenerator to OFF.</span>(set: $gravityWellGenerator to "CONSTANT")
(display: "7p2_displacer")]
(link: "leave the gravity well generator on PULSE")[
(replace: ?choice7p1)[<span class='dialogueYou'>Leave the Gravity Well Generator on PULSE.</span>
(display: "7p2_displacer")]
<span class='dialogueThem'>GRAVITY WELL GENERATOR set to $gravityWellGenerator, what's next?</span>
|choice7p2>[<span class='dialogueChoice'>{
(link: "switch temporal displacer to NEUTRAL")[
(replace: ?choice7p2)[<span class='dialogueYou'>Switch the Temporal Displacer from $temporalDisplacer to NEUTRAL</span>(set: $temporalDisplacer to "NEUTRAL")
(display: "7p3_synchronizer")]
(link: "switch temporal displacer to FORWARD")[
(replace: ?choice7p2)[<span class='dialogueYou'>Switch the Temporal Displacer from $temporalDisplacer to FORWARD</span>(set: $temporalDisplacer to "FORWARD")
(display: "7p3_synchronizer")]
(link: "leave temporal displacer to BACK")[
(replace: ?choice7p2)[<span class='dialogueYou'>Leave the Temporal Displacer fon BACK</span>
(display: "7p3_synchronizer")]
<span class='dialogueThem'>TEMPORAL DISPLACER set to $temporalDisplacer, what's next?</span>
|choice7p3>[<span class='dialogueChoice'>{
(link: "switch on the Recursion Synchronizer")[
(replace: ?choice7p3)[<span class='dialogueYou'>Switch on the Recursion Synchronizer</span> (set: $recursionSynchronizer to "ON")
(display: "7p4_complete")]
<span class='dialogueThem'>Recursion Synchronizer switched $recursionSynchronizer, anything else?</span>
|choice7p4>[<span class='dialogueChoice'>{
(link: "cross your fingers")[
(replace: ?choice7p4)[<span class='dialogueYou'>Cross your fingers, hope for the best.</span>
(display: "7p5_result")]
(if: $gravityWellGenerator is "OFF" and $temporalDisplacer is "BACK" and $recursionSynchronizer is "ON")[(set: $startPosition to 7)]
(else-if: $gravityWellGenerator is "PULSE" and $temporalDisplacer is "BACK" and $recursionSynchronizer is "ON")[(set: $startPosition to 7)]
(else-if: $gravityWellGenerator is "CONSTANT" and $temporalDisplacer is "BACK" and $recursionSynchronizer is "ON")[(go-to: "ending_timereverses")]
(else-if: $gravityWellGenerator is "OFF" and $temporalDisplacer is "NEUTRAL" and $recursionSynchronizer is "ON")[(set: $startPosition to 7)]
(else-if: $gravityWellGenerator is "PULSE" and $temporalDisplacer is "NEUTRAL" and $recursionSynchronizer is "ON")[(set: $startPosition to 7)]
(else-if: $gravityWellGenerator is "CONSTANT" and $temporalDisplacer is "NEUTRAL" and $recursionSynchronizer is "ON")[(go-to: "ending_timefreezes")]
(else-if: $gravityWellGenerator is "OFF" and $temporalDisplacer is "FORWARD" and $recursionSynchronizer is "ON")[(set: $startPosition to 7)]
(else-if: $gravityWellGenerator is "PULSE" and $temporalDisplacer is "FORWARD" and $recursionSynchronizer is "ON")[(set: $startPosition to 7)]
(else-if: $gravityWellGenerator is "CONSTANT" and $temporalDisplacer is "FORWARD" and $recursionSynchronizer is "ON")[(go-to: "main_winner")]
}{<!--<div class='titleWrapper'>{<div class='titleHeader'>
<span class="timer">SecuLab Telecom</span>
<span class="battery">🌐 📶 100% 🔋</span>
<div class='titleMain'><center>
<div class="titleBig">SWEET</div>
<span class="titleSmall">It took $loopAmount loops but you got there in the end, and to to be fair it actually only took you 10 seconds. Thanks for playing!</span>
<div class="menuLink">[[main menu|reset]]</div>
</div>-->}{<div class='titleHeader'>
<span class="timer">SecuLab Telecom</span>
<span class="battery">🌐 📶 100% 🔋</span>
<div class='titleMain'><center>
<div class="titleBig">SWEET</div>
<span class="titleSmall">It took $loopAmount loops but you got there in the end! And to to be fair, if you really stop to think about it a moment, it //actually// only took you 10 seconds.</span>
<span class="titleSmall"><b>Your most important choices:</b>
😆 x $grinningSquintingFace 🤪 x $zanyFace 🤨 x $faceWithRaisedEyebrow 🙄 x $faceWithRollingEyes</span>
<div class="titleTitle">THANKS FOR PLAYING!</div>
<div class="menuLink">[[main menu|reset]]</div>
<div class='titleWrapper'>{<div class='titleHeader'>
<span class="timer">🚫 no connection</span>
<span class="battery"> 0% 🔋</span>
<div class='titleMain'><center>
<span class="titleBig">RIP</span>
<span class="titleSmall">It took $loopAmount loops and then you accidentally reversed time. That is //not// the direction in which you heckin' operate.</span>
<div class="menuLink">[[try again from last part|back2puzzle]]</div>
<div class="menuLink">[[main menu|reset]]</div>
<div class='titleWrapper'>{<div class='titleHeader'>
<span class="timer">🚫 no connection</span>
<span class="battery"> 0% 🔋</span>
<div class='titleMain'><center>
<span class="titleBig">RIP</span>
<span class="titleSmall">It took $loopAmount loops and then you accidentally froze time. I can't even begin to fathom how terrible that must me. Hot dang.</span>
<div class="menuLink">[[try again from last part|back2puzzle]]</div>
<div class="menuLink">[[main menu|reset]]</div>
<span class='dialogueThem'>good morning bro</span>
|choice8p0>[<span class='dialogueChoice'>{
(link: "dang")[
(replace: ?choice8p0)[<span class='dialogueYou'>Dang.... that did nothing, but at least we're still alive.</span>
(display: "8p1_what")]
](set: $startPosition to 6)
}</span>]CHAPTER 8 (sort of)<span class='dialogueThem'>bro i'm hella confused right now</span>
|choice8p1>[<span class='dialogueChoice'>{
(link: "don't worry")[
(replace: ?choice8p1)[<span class='dialogueYou'>Don't worry, give it a few seconds.</span>
(display: "x_okay")]
(link: "time loop")[
(replace: ?choice8p1)[<span class='dialogueYou'>Oh, cinnamon. Time loop. 10 second intervals. Will see you in a few seconds ago.</span>
(display: "8p2_kidding")]
}</span>]<span class='dialogueThem'>holy hell, okay, tell me what to do</span>
|choice8p2>[<span class='dialogueChoice'>{
(link: "not enough time")[
(replace: ?choice8p2)[<span class='dialogueYou'>Not enough time left this loop, I'll speak with future you. Well... past you. //Other you?//</span>
(display: "x_okay")]
}</span>]CHAPTER 9 (winner)<span class='dialogueThem'>good morning bro</span>
|choice9p0>[<span class='dialogueChoice'>{
(link: "dang it")[
(replace: ?choice9p0)[<span class='dialogueYou'>Dang it! I really thought that would do it.</span>
(display: "9p1_dowhat")]
<div class='header'>
<span class="timer">{06:01}</span>
<span class="battery"><!--🔇-->🌐 📶 99% 🔋</span>
<div class='topNav'><img class="pfp" src="img/pfp.png">
<span class="nameThem">Phill C.</span>
<span class="statusThem"><span class="dot"></span> Online</span>
}<span class='chat'>{
}</span><span class='dialogueThem'>uh, do what?</span>
|choice9p1>[<span class='dialogueChoice'>{
(link: "time loop")[
(replace: ?choice9p1)[<span class='dialogueYou'>Cinnamon. We're stuck in a 10 second time loop. We've been going through this like $loopAmount times already.</span>
(display: "9p2_forreal")]
}</span>]<span class='dialogueThem'>oh heck, for real? what can I do?</span>
|choice9p2>[<span class='dialogueChoice'>{
(link: "wait")[
(replace: ?choice9p2)[<span class='dialogueYou'>Uh... wait, it says it's 06:01 on my phone.</span>
(display: "9p3_yeah")]
}</span>]<span class='dialogueThem'>yeah, mine says the same</span>
|choice9p3>[<span class='dialogueChoice'>{
(link: "hot dang!")[
(replace: ?choice9p3)[<span class='dialogueYou'>Hot-diggety-dang, we did it! How are the devices in the lab doing? Gravity Well Generator switched to CONSTANT, Temporal Displacer to FORWARD?</span>
(display: "9p4_yessir")]
}</span>]<span class='dialogueThem'>yup, and that's weird cause that's not what I just switched them to a few minutes ago</span>
|choice9p4>[<span class='dialogueChoice'>{
(link: "what a relief")[
(replace: ?choice9p4)[<span class='dialogueYou'>My god, what a relief. Is it too early to go and have a beer?</span>
(display: "9p5_beer")]
}</span>]<span class='dialogueThem'>you just woke up, but i'm at the end of my nightshift so //letsgooo//</span>
|choice9p5>[<span class='dialogueChoice'>{
(link: "you're buying")[
(replace: ?choice9p5)[<span class='dialogueYou'>You're buying.</span>
(display: "9p6_thefirst")]
}</span>]<span class='dialogueThem'>i'll buy the first, how's that?</span>
|choice9p6>[<span class='dialogueChoice'>{
(link: "sounds great")[
(replace: ?choice9p6)[<span class='dialogueYou'>Sounds great.</span>
(go-to: "ending_winner")]
(set: $startPosition to 6)
(go-to: "main")
(set: $startPosition to 0)
(set: $loopAmount to 0)
(set: $gravityWellGenerator to "PULSE")
(set: $temporalDisplacer to "BACK")
(set: $recursionSynchronizer to "OFF")
(set: $grinningSquintingFace to 0)
(set: $zanyFace to 0)
(set: $faceWithRaisedEyebrow to 0)
(set: $faceWithRollingEyes to 0)
(go-to: "title")
}|choicexemoji>[<span class='dialogueChoice'>{
(link: "😆")[
(replace: ?choicexemoji)[<span class='dialogueYou'>😆</span>
(set: $grinningSquintingFace to it + 1)
(display: "x_silence")]
(link: "🤪")[
(replace: ?choicexemoji)[<span class='dialogueYou'>🤪</span>
(set: $zanyFace to it + 1)
(display: "x_silence")]
(link: "🤨")[
(replace: ?choicexemoji)[<span class='dialogueYou'>🤨</span>
(set: $faceWithRaisedEyebrow to it + 1)
(display: "x_silence")]
(link: "🙄")[
(replace: ?choicexemoji)[<span class='dialogueYou'>🙄</span>
(set: $faceWithRollingEyes to it + 1)
(display: "x_silence")]
}</span>]<span class='dialogueThem'>dang, this is crazy</span>
|choice5p3>[<span class='dialogueChoice'>{
(link: "don't worry")[
(replace: ?choice5p3)[<span class='dialogueYou'>Don't worry, we'll figure this out.</span>
(display: "x_okay")]