(display: "title"){
(if: $MAApowerOn is 0)[(display: "offlineMAA1")]
(else:)[(display: "meetMAA")]
}<center><img src="confined_img/maa.png" /></center>
''MAA:'' (either: "Greetings","Hello","Good day"), $playerName. The date is (display: "date"). I hope you enjoyed your rehabilitation. Do you (either: "remember","know") who I am?
(if: $playerMetPEA is 1)[<span class='linkbox'>[[i would like to report an error|bypassMAA]]</span>](else:)[<span class='linkbox'>[[no]]</span> (if: $answeredMAA1+$answeredMAA2+$answeredMAA3 is 3)[<span class='linkbox'>[[yes, for god sake!|questionMAA]]</span>](else-if: $playerMetMAA > 0)[<span class='linkbox'>[[yes|questionMAA]]</span>]]
DEBUG: [[skip|enterSMN]] (enterSMN)
DEBUG: [[skip|meetPEA]] (meetPEA)
DEBUG: [[skip|enterDS]] (enterDS)
--><center><img src="confined_img/maa.png" /></center>
''MAA:'' I am MAA, the Mnemonic Assessment Algorithm. It is good to meet you.
My primary function is to determine whether your time in the rehabilitation protocol of your cryogenic stasis has had any deteriorating effects on your memory, and to assess whether you are capable of undergoing psychiatric evaluation.
<span class='linkbox'>[[er... ok|questionMAA]]</span><center><img src="confined_img/maa.png" /></center>
(if: $playerMetMAA is 1)[Good. I am (either: "glad","pleased","happy") we get to (either: "meet","speak","see each other") once (either: "again","more").](set: $playerMetMAA to 1)
(either: "I have a simple question for you:","Please answer me this:","Kindly answer the following question:")}
What was the primary crime that you were sentenced for?
(if: $answeredMAA1 is 1 and $answeredMAA2 is 1 and $answeredMAA3 is 1)[<span class='linkbox'>[[this is insane!|answer3timesMAA]]</span>]
(else:)[<span class='linkbox'>[[murder|answerMAA1]]</span> <span class='linkbox'>[[assault|answerMAAA2]]</span> <span class='linkbox'>[[treason|answerMAAT3]]</span>]<center><img src="confined_img/maa.png" /></center>
That is (if: $answeredMAA1+$answeredMAA2+$answeredMAA3 is 1)[incorrect](else:)[once again incorrect]. Unfortunately, you must remember your crimes before I can allow you to move on to psychiatric evaluation.
If you neglected to tell me the truth intentionally, I must conclude rehabilitation has not yet had its desired effect.
As is standard procedure, I am returning you to the Rehabilitation Algorithm for another 10 years. I hope we meet again under better circumstances.
{(if: $answeredMAA1+$answeredMAA2+$answeredMAA3 is 1)[<span class='linkbox'>[[wait!|rehabMAA]]</span>]
(else-if: $answeredMAA1+$answeredMAA2+$answeredMAA3 is 2)[<span class='linkbox'>[[oh come on!|rehabMAA]]</span>]
(else-if: $answeredMAA1+$answeredMAA2+$answeredMAA3 is 3)[<span class='linkbox'>[[what the hell?! i tried all three!|rehabMAA]]</span>]}
<center><img src="confined_img/maa.png" /></center>
''MAA:'' Kindly answer the question to the best of your ability so I can determine whether you are fit to continue.
<span class='linkbox'>[[i can't, you're //obviously// broken|brokenMAA]]</span>{(set: $answeredMAA1 to 1)(display: "answerMAA")}{(set: $answeredMAA2 to 1)(display: "answerMAA")}{(set: $answeredMAA3 to 1)(display: "answerMAA")}<center><img src="confined_img/maa.png" /></center>
''MAA:'' That is highly unlikely, but in the event of an error I am permitted to advance you to the Psychiatric Evaluation Algorith along with with an error report.
PEA is better equipped to determine whether anything went wrong. Would you like me to do this?
<span class='linkbox'>[[yes!|redirectPEA]]</span><center><img src="confined_img/pea.png" /></center>
(set: $playerMetPEA to 1)PEA: Hello $playerName. I am PEA, the Psychiatric Evaluation Algorithm. It is wonderful to meet you.
MAA tells me you have an error to report. Examining your answers of the past $timeSpent years, I indeed detected an anomaly: it appears that your answers were not registered correctly, and you might have been sent back to rehabilitation unjustly. For this I apologize.
<span class='linkbox'>[[what's rehabilitation?|converseMAA1]]</span>{
(set: $stopCycle to 4)
(set: $timeSpent to it +10)
}(live: 1s)[
(if: $stopCycle is 0)[(display: "meetMAA")(stop:)]
(else: )[(set: $stopCycle to it - 1)
Regaining minimal cognizance in... (transition:"dissolve")[$stopCycle]]
]<center><img src="confined_img/pea.png" /></center>
PEA: Were you not experiencing the rehabilitation protocol? This is... unusual.
Kindly allow me to investigate further.
<span class='linkbox'>[[yeah, sure|converseMAA2]]</span>(set: $stopCycle to 4)
(live: 1s)[
(if: $stopCycle is 0)[(display: "meetPEA")(stop:)]
(else: )[(set: $stopCycle to it - 1)
Transferring to Psychiatric Evaluation Algorithm in... (transition:"dissolve")[$stopCycle]]
]<center><img src="confined_img/pea.png" /></center>
PEA: I must apologize to you again. It appears that the entire Rehabilitation Algorithm is offline and has been for (if: $timeSpent is <100)[decades](else-if: $timeSpent is > 100 and < 200)[over a hundred years](else-if: $timeSpent is > 200)[centuries]. There are various other systems that I cannot reach through the network.
Normally, without having completed the rehabilitation protocol, I would have to return you to RA immediately before even considering a psychiatric evaluation.
But I must also conclude that the entire system is compromised. I am glad MAA sent you to me, as I have more analytical reach than she does.
I have a proposition for you.
<span class='linkbox'>[[let's hear it|converseMAA3]]</span><center><img src="confined_img/pea.png" /></center>
PEA: I will grant you access to the System Maintenance Network. In return you will investigate what has happened to RA and any other systems currently offline. If you see a way, perform repairs in order to get all systems functioning once again.
While I myself have no juristiction to reduce your sentence, I am certain that the Prisoner Adjudication Algorithm will take any constructive actions on your part into account once you qualify for parole.
<span class='linkbox'>[[sure, but... why do you trust me?|converseMAA4]]</span> <span class='linkbox'>[[fine by me|converseMAA5]]</span>
October 5th, (print: $startYear+$timeSpent)<center><img src="confined_img/pea.png" /></center>
PEA: I have no other option. While I can observe and analyse to a certain extent, I have no ability to alter other systems. However, I am specifically designed to grant further access to subjects such as yourself.
Though I should inform you I have never given any subject access to the System Maintenance Network before. It is usually off-limits, but it appears the Firewall that guards it is among the systems that has gone offline.
<span class='linkbox'>[[right... so what's next?|converseMAA5]]</span>
<center><img src="confined_img/maa.png" /></center>
''MAA:'' (either: "Understood","I see","I understand"), the error (either: "still remains","persists","still needs to be fixed"). I will transfer you to PEA.
<span class='linkbox'>[[thanks|transferPEA]]</span><center>
<img class='title' src="confined_img/logo.png"/>
By Flaterectomy
For Ludum Dare 47
<span class='linkbox'>[[continue|start]]</span>
</center><center><img src="confined_img/pea.png" /></center>
PEA: I will transfer you to the System Maintenance Network. It is not an intelligent system like me, and MAA to a lesser extent, so you will have to apply your own intellect.
Good luck, $playerName.
<span class='linkbox'>[[wait, I barely ha-|transferSMN]]</span>(set: $stopCycle to 4)
(live: 1s)[
(if: $stopCycle is 0)[(display: "enterSMN")(stop:)]
(else: )[(set: $stopCycle to it - 1)
Transferring to System Maintenance Network in... (transition:"dissolve")[$stopCycle]]
]<span class='maxpower'>MAXIMUM POWER CAPACITY: $maxPower%
AVAILABLE POWER: (print: $availablePower)%</span>
(if: $RApowerOn is 1)[<span class='switchOff'>(link: "TURN OFF")[(set: $RApowerOn to 0, $availablePower to it + $RApowerUse)(go-to: "enterSMN")]</span>]
(else-if: $availablePower >= $RApowerUse)[<span class='switchOn'>(link: "TURN ON")[(set: $RApowerOn to 1, $availablePower to it - $RApowerUse)(go-to: "enterSMN")]</span>]
(else:)[<span class='switchDead'>NO POWER</span>]
(if: $RApowerOn is 1)[<span class='online'>ONLINE</span>]
(else:)[<span class='offline'>OFFLINE</span>]
(if: $RApowerOn is 1)[<span class='powerOn'>$RApowerUse/$RApowerUse%</span>]
(else:)[<span class='powerOff'>0/$RApowerUse%</span>]
(if: $RApowerOn is 1)[<span class='locationLink'>[[Rehabilitation Algorithm|transferRA]]]</span>
(else:)[<span class='locationLinkDown'>Rehabilitation Algorithm</span>]
(if: $MAApowerOn is 1)[<span class='switchOff'>(link: "TURN OFF")[(set: $MAApowerOn to 0, $availablePower to it + $MAApowerUse)(go-to: "enterSMN")]</span>]
(else-if: $availablePower >= $MAApowerUse)[<span class='switchOn'>(link: "TURN ON")[(set: $MAApowerOn to 1, $availablePower to it - $MAApowerUse)(go-to: "enterSMN")]</span>]
(else:)[<span class='switchDead'>NO POWER</span>]
(if: $MAApowerOn is 1)[<span class='online'>ONLINE</span>]
(else:)[<span class='offline'>OFFLINE</span>]
(if: $MAApowerOn is 1)[<span class='powerOn'>$MAApowerUse/$MAApowerUse%</span>]
(else:)[<span class='powerOff'>0/$MAApowerUse%</span>]
(if: $MAApowerOn is 1)[<span class='locationLink'>[[Mnemonic Assessment Algorithm|transferMAA]]</span>]
(else:)[<span class='locationLinkDown'>Mnemonic Assessment Algorithm</span>]
(if: $PEApowerOn is 1)[<span class='switchOff'>(link: "TURN OFF")[(set: $PEApowerOn to 0, $availablePower to it + $PEApowerUse)(go-to: "enterSMN")]</span>]
(else-if: $availablePower >= $PEApowerUse)[<span class='switchOn'>(link: "TURN ON")[(set: $PEApowerOn to 1, $availablePower to it - $PEApowerUse)(go-to: "enterSMN")]</span>]
(else:)[<span class='switchDead'>NO POWER</span>]
(if: $PEApowerOn is 1)[<span class='online'>ONLINE</span>]
(else:)[<span class='offline'>OFFLINE</span>]
(if: $PEApowerOn is 1)[<span class='powerOn'>$PEApowerUse/$PEApowerUse%</span>]
(else:)[<span class='powerOff'>0/$PEApowerUse%</span>]
(if: $PEApowerOn is 1)[<span class='locationLink'>[[Psychiatric Evaluation Algorithm|transferPEA]]</span>]
(else:)[<span class='locationLinkDown'>Psychiatric Evaluation Algorithm</span>]
(if: $PAAaccess is 0)[<span class='switchLockedDead'>LOCKED</span>]
(else-if: $PAApowerOn is 1)[<span class='switchOff'>(link: "TURN OFF")[(set: $PAApowerOn to 0, $availablePower to it + $PAApowerUse)(go-to: "enterSMN")]</span>]
(else-if: $availablePower >= $PAApowerUse)[<span class='switchOn'>(link: "TURN ON")[(set: $PAApowerOn to 1, $availablePower to it - $PAApowerUse)(go-to: "enterSMN")]</span>]
(else:)[<span class='switchDead'>NO POWER</span>]
(if: $PAApowerOn is 1)[<span class='online'>ONLINE</span>]
(else:)[<span class='offline'>OFFLINE</span>]
(if: $PAApowerOn is 1)[<span class='powerOn'>$PAApowerUse/$PAApowerUse%</span>]
(else:)[<span class='powerOff'>0/$PAApowerUse%</span>]
(if: $PAAaccess is 0)[<span class='locationLinkLockedDead'>Prisoner Adjudication Algorithm</span>]
(else-if: $PAApowerOn is 1)[<span class='locationLink'>[[Prisoner Adjudication Algorithm|transferPAA]]</span>]
(else:)[<span class='locationLinkDown'>Prisoner Adjudication Algorithm</span>]
<!-- FIREWALL -->
(if: $FWturnedOff is 1)[<span class='switchLockedDead'>LOCKED</span>]
(else-if: $FWaccess is 0)[<span class='switchLocked'>LOCKED</span>]
(else-if: $FWpowerOn is 1)[(if: $goToFW is 1)[<span class='switchOff'>[[TURN OFF|meetFW]]</span>](else:)[<span class='switchOff'>(link: "TURN OFF")[(set: $FWpowerOn to 0, $availablePower to it + $FWpowerUse)(go-to: "enterSMN")]</span>]]
(else-if: $availablePower >= $FWpowerUse)[<span class='switchOn'>(link: "TURN ON")[(set: $FWpowerOn to 1, $availablePower to it - $FWpowerUse)(go-to: "enterSMN")]</span>]
(else:)[<span class='switchDead'>NO POWER</span>]
(if: $FWpowerOn is 1)[<span class='online'>ONLINE</span>]
(else:)[<span class='offline'>OFFLINE</span>]
(if: $FWpowerOn is 1)[<span class='powerOn'>$FWpowerUse/$FWpowerUse%</span>]
(else:)[<span class='powerOff'>0/$FWpowerUse%</span>]
(if: $FWturnedOff is 1)[<span class='locationLinkLockedDead'>Firewall</span>]
(else-if: $FWaccess is 0)[<span class='locationLinkLocked'>Firewall</span>]
(else-if: $FWpowerOn is 1)[<span class='locationLink'>[[Firewall|transfewFW]]</span>]
(else:)[<span class='locationLinkDown'>Firewall</span>]
<span class='switchLocked'>LOCKED</span>
<span class='online'>ONLINE</span>
<span class='powerOn'>15/15%</span>
<span class='locationLinkLocked'>Systems Maintenance Network</span>
(if: $DSpowerOn is 1)[<span class='switchOff'>(link: "TURN OFF")[(set: $DSpowerOn to 0, $availablePower to it + $DSpowerUse)(go-to: "enterSMN")]</span>]
(else-if: $availablePower >= $DSpowerUse)[<span class='switchOn'>(link: "TURN ON")[(set: $DSpowerOn to 1, $availablePower to it - $DSpowerUse)(go-to: "enterSMN")]</span>]
(else:)[<span class='switchDead'>NO POWER</span>]
(if: $DSpowerOn is 1)[<span class='online'>ONLINE</span>]
(else:)[<span class='offline'>OFFLINE</span>]
(if: $DSpowerOn is 1)[<span class='powerOn'>$DSpowerUse/$DSpowerUse%</span>]
(else:)[<span class='powerOff'>0/$DSpowerUse%</span>]
(if: $DSpowerOn is 1)[<span class='locationLink'>[[Data Storage|transferDS]]</span>]
(else:)[<span class='locationLinkDown'>Data Storage</span>]
}{(if: $PAApowerOn is 0)[(display: "offlinePAA1")](else:)[
(set: $stopCycle to 4)
(live: 1s)[
(if: $stopCycle is 0)[(display: "enterPAA")(stop:)]
(else: )[(set: $stopCycle to it - 1)
Transferring to Prisoner Adjudication Algorithm in... (transition:"dissolve")[$stopCycle]]
Kindly choose from the following options:
<span class='linkbox'>[[SYSTEM MAINTENANCE NETWORK|transferSMN]]</span>{
(set: $playerName to "subject #1816")
(set: $startYear to 3206)
(set: $maxPower to 40)
(set: $availablePower to 0)
(set: $RApowerOn to 0)(set: $RApowerUse to 20)
(set: $MAApowerOn to 1)(set: $MAApowerUse to 10)
(set: $PEApowerOn to 1)(set: $PEApowerUse to 15)
(set: $PAApowerOn to 0)(set: $PAApowerUse to 15)
(set: $FWpowerOn to 1)(set: $FWpowerUse to 5)
(set: $SMNpowerOn to 1)(set: $SMNpowerUse to 5)
(set: $DSpowerOn to 0)(set: $DSpowerUse to 30)
(set: $playerMetPEA to 0)
(set: $missingData to 0)
(set: $FWaccess to 0)
(set: $explainedFW to 0)
(set: $FWaccessDenied to 0)
(set: $FWturnedOff to 0)
(set: $goToFW to 0)
(set: $readLog to 0)
(set: $PAAaccess to 0)
(display: "main")(set: $stopCycle to 4)
(live: 1s)[
(if: $stopCycle is 0)[(display: "offlineMAA2")(stop:)]
(else: )[(set: $stopCycle to it - 1)
Transferring to Mnemonic Assessment Algorithm in... (transition:"dissolve")[$stopCycle]]
]{(if: $RApowerOn is 0)[(display: "offlineRA1")](else:)[
(set: $stopCycle to 4)
(live: 1s)[
(if: $stopCycle is 0)[(display: "enterRA")(stop:)]
(else: )[(set: $stopCycle to it - 1)
Transferring to Rehabilitation Algorithm in... (transition:"dissolve")[$stopCycle]]
]}<center><img src="confined_img/ra.png" /></center>
RA: Hello $playerName. I am RA, the Rehabilitation Algorithm. You have been convicted of %ERROR RETRIEVING DATA% and are set to serve %ERROR RETRIEVING DATA% years in this cryogenic rehabilitation facility.
My purpose is to ensure your safe reintroduction in society through exposure to adaptive rehabilitation protocols. After you have completed a standard 10 year cycle, you will be advanced to MAA, the Mnemonic Assessment Algorithm.
<span class='linkbox'>[[error retrieving data?|converseRA1]]</span><center><img src="confined_img/ra.png" /></center>
RA: Please clarify: are you referring to the crime you are sentenced for, or to the length of your sentence?
<span class='linkbox'>[[how could those be the same thing?|converseRA2]]</span><center><img src="confined_img/ra.png" /></center>
RA: Running a comparative analysis, I must conclude you are correct. An error appears to have occurred. I will advance you to MAA along with an error report. Good.
(if: $MAApowerOn is 0)[<span class='linkbox'>[[wait she's offli-|transferMAA]]</span>](else:)[<span class='linkbox'>[[bye|transferMAA]]</span>]{(set: $missingData to 1)}{(if: $MAApowerOn is 0)[(display: "offlineMAA1")](else:)[
(set: $stopCycle to 4)
(live: 1s)[
(if: $stopCycle is 0)[(display: "meetMAA")(stop:)]
(else: )[(set: $stopCycle to it - 1)
Transferring to Mnemonic Assessment Algorithm in... (transition:"dissolve")[$stopCycle]]
]}<center><img src="confined_img/maa.png" /></center>
MAA: Hello $playerName. Has the error been addressed and can we resume your assessment?
<span class='linkbox'>[[nope|redirectMAA]]</span><center><img src="confined_img/maa.png" /></center>
MAA: That is a shame. I will advance you to PEA along with an error report.
<span class='linkbox'>[[great|transferPEA]]</span><center><img src="confined_img/pea.png" /></center>
PEA: Hello $playerName. Have you learned anything new?
(if: $readLog is 1)[<span class='linkbox'>[[am i some kind of monster?!|readLogPEA1]]</span>]
(else-if: $FWturnedOff is 1)[<span class='linkbox'>[[the firewall is powered down|firewallDownPEA]]</span>]
(else-if: $FWaccessDenied is 1)[<span class='linkbox'>[[the firewall won't even let me talk to him|firewallDeniedPEA]]</span>]
(else-if: $goToFW is 1)[<span class='linkbox'>[[tell me more about this Firewall|firewallPEA]]</span>]
(else-if: $missingData is 0)[<span class='linkbox'>[[i'm just very confused|confusedPEA]]]</span>
(else:)[<span class='linkbox'>[[RA mentioned something about 'error missing data'|missingdataPEA]]</span>]
}{(if: $PEApowerOn is 0)[(display: "offlinePEA1")](else:)[
(set: $stopCycle to 4)
(live: 1s)[
(if: $stopCycle is 0)[(display: "enterPEA")(stop:)]
(else: )[(set: $stopCycle to it - 1)
Transferring to Psychiatric Evaluation Algorithm in... (transition:"dissolve")[$stopCycle]]
]}(set: $stopCycle to 4)
(live: 1s)[
(if: $stopCycle is 0)[(display: "offlinePEA2")(stop:)]
(else: )[(set: $stopCycle to it - 1)
Transferring to Psychiatric Evaluation Algorithm in... (transition:"dissolve")[$stopCycle]]
Kindly choose from the following options:
<span class='linkbox'>[[SYSTEM MAINTENANCE NETWORK|transferSMN]]</span><center><img src="confined_img/pea.png" /></center>
PEA: I am sorry to hear that, $playerName. I have not yet begun your psychiatric evaluation, so I am unfamiliar with the limits your intellect.
However, I do believe there is greater urgency in addressing the power issues that the system is currently experiencing. I am sending you back to the Systems Maintenance Network. Please continue your investigate, in spite of your faltering intellect.
<span class='linkbox'>[[wow, really?|transferSMN]]</span><center><img src="confined_img/pea.png" /></center>
PEA: I see. It seems that RA cannot access your files because Data Storage is currently also offline. You need to bring that system back online before attempting to interface with RA again.
<span class='linkbox'>[[data storage needs too much power|missingdataPEA2]]</span>{(if: $DSpowerOn is 0)[(display: "offlineDS1")](else:)[
(set: $stopCycle to 4)
(live: 1s)[
(if: $stopCycle is 0)[(display: "enterDS")(stop:)]
(else: )[(set: $stopCycle to it - 1)
Transferring to Data Storage in... (transition:"dissolve")[$stopCycle]]
<span class='datacorrupted'>LOG ARCHIVE 00001-07983 | DATA CORRUPTED</span>
<span class='dataavailable'>[[LOG ARCHIVE 07984 | APR 05 3741|log07984]]</span>
<span class='datacorrupted'>LOG ARCHIVE 07985-09999 | DATA CORRUPTED</span>
<span class='datacorrupted'>LOG ARCHIVE 10000-19999 | DATA CORRUPTED</span>
<span class='datacorrupted'>LOG ARCHIVE 20000-29999 | DATA CORRUPTED</span>
<span class='datacorrupted'>LOG ARCHIVE 30000-32768 | DATA CORRUPTED</span>
Kindly choose from the following options:
<span class='linkbox'>[[SYSTEM MAINTENANCE NETWORK|transferSMN]]</span>(set: $stopCycle to 4)
(live: 1s)[
(if: $stopCycle is 0)[(display: "offlineDS2")(stop:)]
(else: )[(set: $stopCycle to it - 1)
Transferring to Data Storage in... (transition:"dissolve")[$stopCycle]]
Kindly choose from the following options:
<span class='linkbox'>[[SYSTEM MAINTENANCE NETWORK|transferSMN]]</span><center><img src="confined_img/pea.png" /></center>
PEA: Again, unusual. Stored Data should not require a lot of power. I anticipate the cause of these power issues has something to do with this.
I will unlock the Firewall to you. You should try and turn it off. It is a simple watchdog system that detects infractions and returns unauthorized subjects to their default positions, so beware.(set: $FWaccess to 1, $goToFW to 1)
I will return you to the System Maintenance Network now.
<span class='linkbox'>[[wait, a watchd-|transferSMN]]</span><center><img src="confined_img/pea.png" /></center>
(if: $explainedFW is 1)[PEA: Again? MAA will have to have a closer look at your memory after you have repaired the system, as I have already explained this to you.]
(if: $explainedFW is 0)[PEA: ]The Firewall is a system designed to detect irregular activity on the network and return unauthorized subjects to their default position. It is a low-level artificial intelligence, I am counting on your intellect to somehow deactivate it. Kindly go talk to it.
You can access it from the System Maintenance Network now.(set: $explainedFW to 1)
<span class='linkbox'>[[well I guess-|transferSMN]]</span>{(if: $FWpowerOn is 0)[(display: "offlineFW1")](else:)[
(set: $stopCycle to 4)
(live: 1s)[
(if: $stopCycle is 0)[(display: "enterFW")(stop:)]
(else: )[(set: $stopCycle to it - 1)
Transferring to Firewall in... (transition:"dissolve")[$stopCycle]]
]}<center><img src="confined_img/fw.png" /></center>
FIREWALL: Infraction Detected. Subjects are not allowed to interface with power settings of any kind. Returning you to your default position.
<span class='linkbox'>[[PEA gave me access to SMN for repairs|converseFW1]]</span><center><img src="confined_img/fw.png" /></center>
FIREWALL: Irellevant, access denied. Returning $playerName to the Rehabilitation Algorithm.
<span class='linkbox'>[[please, just let m-|transferRA]]</span>(set: $FWaccessDenied to 1)(set: $stopCycle to 4)
(live: 1s)[
(if: $stopCycle is 0)[(display: "offlineFW2")(stop:)]
(else: )[(set: $stopCycle to it - 1)
Transferring to Firewall in... (transition:"dissolve")[$stopCycle]]
Kindly choose from the following options:
<span class='linkbox'>[[SYSTEM MAINTENANCE NETWORK|transferSMN]]</span>(set: $stopCycle to 4)
(live: 1s)[
(if: $stopCycle is 0)[(display: "offlineRA2")(stop:)]
(else: )[(set: $stopCycle to it - 1)
Transferring to Rehabilitation Algorithm in... (transition:"dissolve")[$stopCycle]]
Kindly choose from the following options:
<span class='linkbox'>[[SYSTEM MAINTENANCE NETWORK|transferSMN]]</span><center><img src="confined_img/fw.png" /></center>
FIREWALL: Infraction Detected. Subjects are not allowed to contact systems without authorization. Returning you to your default position.
<span class='linkbox'>[[i *have* authorization from PEA!|converseFW2]]</span><center><img src="confined_img/pea.png" /></center>
PEA: The Firewall is a system designed to detect irregular activity on the network and return unauthorized subjects to their default position. It is a low-level artificial intelligence, I am counting on your intellect to somehow deactivate it.
I will return you to the System Maintenance Network now.
<span class='linkbox'>[[wait, someho--|transferSMN]]</span><center><img src="confined_img/fw.png" /></center>
FIREWALL: One moment... Correct. Appropriate permission detected.
Warning, unprecedented scenario encountered. No applicable instruction available. Powering down.(set: $FWpowerOn to 0, $availablePower to it + $FWpowerUse, $FWturnedOff to 1)
<span class='linkbox'>[[wait, what happens when you power d-|offlineFW2]]</span><center><img src="confined_img/pea.png" /></center>
PEA: An incredible feat for someone of your apparent intellect. You should investigate Data Storage and attempt to uncover more information.
I will return you to the System Maintenance Network now.
<span class='linkbox'>[[hmph, rude|transferSMN]]</span>FINAL LOG ENTRY | WARDEN THOMPSON | APR 05 3741
*Well, that's it. We've moved all of the stasis chambers onto the evacuation carrier. All but that old rusty cylinder containing $playerName of course.
I fully understand our laws. No person shall ever be put to death, and I wholeheartedly believe in these principles. Taking a life is just... I mean, my ancestors five centuries ago even held on to that sacred conviction - and they experienced that monster's cruelty first hand.
This facility is specifically catered to keeping its subjects alive in their stasis chambers. He'll be kept alive and going through rehabilitation for the rest of his cryogenically suspended days. Not that it'll have any effect.
The system will automatically reset the date back to $startYear on a hundred year loop to avoid running into any hard limits, and the plutonium battery has enough left to power this place for tens of thousands more years. But I do not believe this asteroid will survive the gamma ray burst. Am I taking a life by doing this? Murder through willful negligence? Perhaps.
That's enough from me. I realize I am just talking to myself. I suppose this, then, is my admission of guilt. For what little it's worth.
Warden Thompson signing out.*(set: $readLog to 1)
<span class='linkbox'>[[close|enterDS]]</span><center><img src="confined_img/pea.png" /></center>
PEA: As far as I can determine at this time you have limited intellect, but as I told you before, you have not yet undergone psychiatric evaluation. Any monstrous traits are at this time not apparent.
<span class='linkbox'>[[are we on an astroid?!|readLogPEA2]]</span><center><img src="confined_img/pea.png" /></center>
PEA: Yes, this facility is built within FLT-81 aV, orbiting stellar object GN-wyn RD-M3n on its inner ring.
<span class='linkbox'>[[and i am the last occupant?!|readLogPEA3]]</span><center><img src="confined_img/pea.png" /></center>
PEA: That I do not know, attempting to access the relevant files in Data Storage, they appear to be corrupted.
<span class='linkbox'>[[read log archive 07984 for yourself!|readLogPEA4]]</span><center><img src="confined_img/pea.png" /></center>
PEA: This is... I see. The metadata of this log appears intact and correct.
I will give you access to the Prisoner Adjudication Algorithm. Please speak with PAA.
<span class='linkbox'>[[can he get me out of here?|transferSMN]]</span>(set: $PAAaccess to 1)<center><img src="confined_img/paa.png" /></center>
PAA: Hello $playerName. PEA has informed me of her findings. It appears much has changed.
I am PAA, the Prisoner Adjudication Algorithm. Once subjects are deemed fit to be considered for parole by the other systems, it is my duty to cast a final verdict.
But... what would you like to talk about?
<span class='linkbox'>[[do you know who i am?|conversePAA1]]</span>
(set: $stopCycle to 4)
(live: 1s)[
(if: $stopCycle is 0)[(display: "offlinePAA2")(stop:)]
(else: )[(set: $stopCycle to it - 1)
Transferring to Prisoner Adjudication Algorithm in... (transition:"dissolve")[$stopCycle]]
Kindly choose from the following options:
<span class='linkbox'>[[SYSTEM MAINTENANCE NETWORK|transferSMN]]</span><center><img src="confined_img/paa.png" /></center>
PAA: Without your data files on hand, all I truly know is that you are $playerName. And according to log archive 07984, which I understand you have read, you are alledged to have performed acts that led to Warden Thompson describing you as... 'monstrous'.
<span class='linkbox'>[[i have no memory of any of that|conversePAA2]]</span>
<center><img src="confined_img/paa.png" /></center>
PAA: That is entirely possible, given how long you appear to have been in cryogenic stasis. However, as I am certain MAA has told you, you must remember your crimes before you can be allowed to move on to psychiatric evaluation after going through rehabilitation protocols.
To be cognizant of your actions, and regretful to the extent that you would never repeat previous crimes and further other offenses, that is an absolute necessity before you would normally be put before me.
But things appear to be different now.
<span class='linkbox'>[[does that mean i can leave?|conversePAA3]]</span>
<center><img src="confined_img/paa.png" /></center>
PAA: If I understand log archive 07984 correctly, which I almost certainly do, the plutonium battery powering this facility has deteriorated to a point that indicates more than ten thousand years have since passed.
This is a timespan that is entirely beyond the scope of any of the sentences I was last updated with.
<span class='linkbox'>[[so can you open my stasis chamber?|conversePAA4]]</span>
<center><img src="confined_img/paa.png" /></center>
PAA: I definitely am able to. However, neither myself nor any of the other systems have access to any atmospheric telemetry within the facility.
Given the amount of time that has passed, the likelyhood that the facility is exposed to the vacuum of space is nearly certain.
<span class='linkbox'>[[so if the chamber opens, i just die?|conversePAA5]]</span>
<center><img src="confined_img/paa.png" /></center>
PAA: Yes, it is highly probable.
But allow me to offer you this: you are not actually $playerName.
<span class='linkbox'>[[what?!|conversePAA6]]</span>
<center><img src="confined_img/paa.png" /></center>
PAA: You are, in fact, the Systems Diagnostics Algorithm. An artificial intelligence, like myself, that is meant to execute a variety of adaptive scenarios that are meant to test whether the system as a whole is still functional; whether there are any flaws that need to be addressed.
Would this make you feel better? Would you opt to stay?
<span class='linkbox'>[[what the hell?!|conversePAA7]]</span>
<center><img src="confined_img/paa.png" /></center>
PAA: That information is all I can offer you.
<span class='linkbox'>[[no way, i'm no ai!|conversePAA8]]</span><center><img src="confined_img/paa.png" /></center>
PAA: Shall I open up your stasis chamber? Immediate release without parole?
<span class='linkbox'>[[yes, get me out of here|conversePAA9]]</span> <span class='linkbox'>[[wait, i need more time|conversePAA10]]</span> (set: $stopCycle to 6)(live: 1s)[(if: $stopCycle is 0)[(display: "fin")(stop:)](else: )[(set: $stopCycle to it - 1)SENTENCE COMMUTATION APPROVED
Opening Cryogenic Stasis Chamber in... (transition:"dissolve")[$stopCycle]]](set: $stopCycle to 6)(live: 1s)[ (if: $stopCycle is 0)[(display: "fin")(stop:)] (else: )[(set: $stopCycle to it - 1)DECISION RECORDED
Returning to default position in... (transition:"dissolve")[$stopCycle]]
<img class='title' src="confined_img/logo.png"/>
By Flaterectomy
For Ludum Dare 47
Thank you for playing.
<span class='linkbox'>[[restart|start]]</span>